Pivot Point proactively requested SA8000 certification from our contracted hair-manufacturing factory to ensure the quality of goods match the well-being of the artisans who create them. The SA8000 certification affords our partners the confidence that our educational hair goods are produced in sanctioned conditions. 

Cheap mannequins may be made at the expense of worker's rights. Pivot Point mannequins are manufactured in an SA8000 facility that:
  • Guards against forced and child labor
  • Provides the workers with a healthy and safe working environment
  • Respects the rights of workers to join unions
  • Practices zero tolerance for discrimination

Just look for the SA8000 tag on your mannequin, you'll know it was created in a factory that treats its workers fairly.

Memo Exclusive: Pivot Point Promotes Rights | November 3, 2017 | Modern Salon

The “Look for the Tag” campaign encourages beauty professionals in all areas of the industry to make this type of certification a priority. When you see the SA8000 tag on a mannequin, you are assured that the manufacturing facility meets high standards for working conditions. Read More >>

Sponsor Spotlight: Pivot Point's "Look for the Tag" Campaign | November 1, 2017 | Modern Salon

This November, Healthy Hairdresser sponsor Pivot Point International launches “Look for the Tag,” a campaign to raise awareness about human rights and the company’s commitment to ethical manufacturing. Read More >>